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Sunday: Praise & Worship: 10:00 AM, Preaching 10:45 AM
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beliefsOur Mission:

To save ourselves from this untoward generation (Acts 2:40)
Preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to others in our city and county     (Mark 16:15),
Improve the quality of life for families and individuals of Franklin County through the teaching and preaching of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision:

A revival church with an ongoing outreach to residents of Franklin County.


We envision a growing congregation and a new facility being built 
     for worship and fellowship.


Our Core Values:

Faith in the Bible is necessary for all who would be saved.
    The born again experience is essential to salvation.
    Members are encouraged to live a holy and righteous lifestyle.
    We believe in divine healing for the body, mind, and spirit.
    A commitment to evangelize Frankfort and Franklin County.
    A commitment to servicing the needs of people in our community.
    Supporting people with alcohol, drug, and other problems of life.
    A church with a friendly, family atmosphere, where members have
     love one for another.

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